Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rodeo Royalty Seminar Detail

The annual Rodeo royalty seminar was well attended this year by many of the state title holder ladies-in-waiting, along with many others. Maegan Ridley, Miss Rodeo America 2009 began the program by telling everyone a little about her experience competing for the title last year, and stressed that to be a rodeo queen you must become the "total package", and asked each girl to really get to know herself, and ask herself why she really wanted to be a rodeo queen.

New to the program this year was a presentation by Judy Rogers and Sherry Stickelman on fitness and health called the "Four Pillars of Strength" which gave terrific information for preparing and maintaining health for competition and during a year of reign, and that hopefully one would make the habits a life long lifestyle change. The women discussed nutrition, exercise, supplements and managing stress.

Tara Rowe, Miss Rodeo America Executive Board member and a pass Miss Rodeo America continued with the program and spoke about how important first impressions can be. She also stressed the importance of being responsible and maintaining a spotless reputation while holding a queen title. Another main point in Tara's presentation was the importance of studying before coming to compete at the national level.

Next, the seminar attendees were treated to a presentation by rodeo stock contractor, Mr. Ike Sankey. He provided valuable stock contractor insight as to what would be expected of a queen when she attends pro rodeos, and reminded them that as a queen, they are servants to the sport, and should act accordingly. He also spoke briefly about how to handle animal rights activist should the need arise.

Commander Deb Dilly was next up with a presentation about safety for young women who may be traveling alone. She gave many tips and instructions, along with a mini demonstration on self-defense techniques.

Kiki Shumway closed the program by giving excellent information on how to go about obtaining sponsorships, and the importance of being cordial, kind, gracious, and to make sure that sponsors realize your gratitude. She also talked about how to conduct yourself as a queen when giving both radio and TV interviews.

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